Their was one catch though. We had to help my father in law (lets call him Heinz which is in fact his name) dig a hole. That's right a hole. Apparently water had been leaking into the basement of Heinz's house and he felt that December would be the best time to fix the problem.
Thus began our stint as indentured servants. Welcome to Germany here is your shovel! We dug and dug. I hauled away dirt and hand washed bricks. My hands blistered. I tried to keep the dirt off of Heinz's precious grass. Spencer handed buck after bucket of dirt up to me. When it got dark we still worked all with Heinz supervising "dig dig dig!" Spencer dug down 8 feet then his friend Michael arrived and did the rest.
2 days, 3 blisters and several thousand Euro later (thanks to a broken pipe line) we had finished the project and Herr Heinz was satisfied.
Apparently most indentured servants had to work for 8 years so we feel we got off pretty lucky. We finished right in time for Christmas. Here is a picture of Michael. Down the hole.
Well, at least you didn't have to work Christmas day! And now you know how to dig holes, it's a useful skill. :P
Did you bring me back a Milka bar? :)
The thing is....insulation. you know?
Great blog Joan! I especially liked your review of the Twilight series. I thought I was the only one not completely enamored with them!
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