Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day!

I happen to have the greatest mom in the world. I really want to brag about her.

My mother can,

Check homework while making dinner.
French braid hair while going into labor.
Successful make an emergency landing in a corn field.
Negotiate a hotel room in Spanish at 1 a.m. in Madrid.
Light a signal fire to alert the search and rescue helicopter on the top of Mount Buckley.
Graduate Sum ma cum lade while pregnant.
Design and sew two stellar Halloween costumes using old drapes and a sock.
Play prelude music on the organ (also while in labor).
Keep a sense of humor while moving 7 children, 1 husband and 1 dog across the world.
Communicate with German fighter pilots in German.
Find joy in every day.

The best part of my mom is that she sees the big picture. She takes life one day at a time. There is no one in the world I can laugh with like my dear mother. She’s so funny! I'm so lucky!

Happy Mother Day Mom!


woodstrider said...

Everything theriidle has said about her is true, and much more.
Yes, I think she IS the greatest mother in the world, and I am glad to have known her. She is certainly the best thing that ever happened to me!
theriddle's dad

Anonymous said...

Thank you. You are so sweet and wonderful. I am so lucky to be the mom.