Thursday, November 5, 2009

How I became a German/Choir teacher.

The short version:

In college I majored in vocal performance. I loved my major and I loved singing. But by my senior year I realized I didn't want to try and make it as a professional opera singer. I had sinking fear in the pit of my stomach that I should have majored in Music Education. I could see my self teaching and loving it. I thought about switching but I was really poor and very tired of school. I graduated and took the first job with benefits.

I was miserable and felt like I was wasting my talents. I stuck it out for two years and then I was elated to find a job teaching choir at a high school. I mentioned in my interview that I spoke German and they asked me right their if I would be willing to teach German. I said yes. (I had always secretly wished to be a German teacher too)

One month later I was teaching. My first year was rough.I don't even want to think how many hours I worked. But still I loved it. Being a teacher uses every ounce of talent I have and demands that improve in all areas of my life. I still don't speak German as well as I want too, I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever speak German as well as I want too. I still don't know as much about music as I want to either. I still work lots of hours trying to make my lessons better. I'm almost finished with my teacher certification. Then I'll be a bonafide certified teacher. But my classes are great and just keeping getting better and better and the best part is I love my job. I really love it. Loving your job is such a blessing in life.

So that is how it happened.

1 comment:

Kris said...

you forgot to mention the best part............. I am almost offended that I didn't even get a shout out. But oh well... I guess it is the story of my life.